- Ross Royal British Legion


 Social event 25 March - award to Fred Jones plus website launch - see him again here 

From a press release Monday 26 March 2012

In his speech, Air Cdre Warrington said that during his lifetime he had given out many awards but none had given him as much pleasure as the one he gave to Mr Jones.   The Air Cdre went on to say that without such stalwart service, the Branch may not have survived.  

The afternoon also saw the launch of the branch website and the Chairman made special thanks to Prof. Alan Harrison for all the hard work he had done getting this off the ground. It had been a mammoth task and everyone appreciated all the effort he had made.  

The Branch wishes to thank the Ross Bowling Club for its kind hospitality which made the afternoon very special.

Mrs M Jones*, Branch Secretary.

* unrelated to Fred JonesTop and final pictures - Fred and Gwen Jones.  Thanks to James Weatherhead for the pictures.  He is a committee member and a former Chairman.


Fred Jones thanking Air Cdre Warrington and

everyone at the social event.



 Find the Club here


The branch is grateful to the Bowling Club for its excellent service.


From the main Legion website.